Oct 17, 2012

How I Quit Smoking Cigarettes After 30 Years...

With the help of a "Mod" Vaporizing device, I have been cigarette free for 11 months.

In fact i instead received the following:
Lots of extra money, curiously good smelling clothes, compliments from my children (?), family members (?) and friends (?). Nobody roles their eyes at me anymore cause of lighting up cig (same as black plague in these parts it seems), and I smell fairly decent (my body that is) a good part of the time!

Whats more is I never had to go a single day without nicotine until I wanted to due to the fact that humans have invented a vaporizer for "E-Liquid" which contains food grade oils, and a predetermined amount of pharmaceutical grade nicotine.

Yep, Pharmaceutical nicotine, the good stuff. All this and you get to purchase some of the coolest new vaporizing paraphernalia on the planet as a gift to yourself, this is of coarse due to all the money your saving by not buying the cancer sticks anymore.

Simply put, e-cigs are one of the most revolutionary products of my lifetime, and I'm just gettin' started. already I have helped over 2 dozen people, who are close to me, quit the habit.

Here is a peek at my arsenal of trial and error vaping toys that i am here to prevent you from going though on your own. one thing I can promise is that if you stick with me here, you can be smoke free by tomorrow, and forever, with no cravings, and a new love of vaporizing instead of smoking a cig or a cigar. Fact is after 11+ months, i cant stomach a single drag from a cig after using the food grade E Liquid and pharmaceutical nicotine.

The photos in this article are just a small portion of the products i have tried and tested. Almost all of them were better than smoking, but a few of them changed my life in a very significant manner.

This Blog will serve as a guide for any of you looking to quit smoking and try something completely different and safe, but most of all it is very enjoyable, cost effective, and widely accepted in most places as a non threatening habit.

Most non smokers end up asking about it and become obsessed with trying it out. later well talk about carrying a sample Vape and some alcohol swabs so our non smoking friends can enjoy a puff of their favorite flavor vapor, there are thousands of flavors and nicotine levels to choose from or make yourself if you wish.

 Please stay tuned and let me share this experience with you, it has truly changed my life. Thank you for stopping in to read my posts, Till next week, smokem' if you gotem'

Shane Hopkins